Browse a list of websites, choose your favorite wallpaper content, download it and set it as a desktop background using this handy utility.

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YAWD Description

If you ever got tired of your old wallpaper, maybe you browsed for replacements online. Any search engine features image lookup functions, but an easier alternative would be directly accessing websites that offer photo content.

YAWD is a lightweight application that can help you browse several sites in search of your desired wallpaper, download and apply it to your desktop.

Simple, catchy user interface

This handy utility comes with a minimalistic, yet visually appealing design, but also intuitive functions, thus proving itself to be highly accessible to almost any user, as it requires minimal computer knowledge.

YAWD’s main window provides you with a list of websites you can access to download pictures that you can set as wallpapers. Furthermore, this application quietly runs in the system tray, so you do not need to open and close it each time you want to change your background image.

Sleek wallpaper changer

It is possible to grab multiple images by clicking the Update button under each website section so that the application downloads them to the specified folder. In addition, you can easily customize your content by setting items as desktop backgrounds, deleting them from your PC or simply excluding them from the list.

This useful program features a screensaver function that you can enable and customize. You can toggle it to display downloaded images or you can specify custom image destinations. Furthermore, the Options section can be accessed with ease and it offers several customization options such as defining folder paths, specifying desired resolutions, toggling websites and auto-updating images.

Limited website support

Although it can flawlessly help you download and change wallpapers, the number of supported websites is rather small and no possibility to add more entries is provided.

In conclusion, YAWD is a useful tool you can rely on if you want a quick way to grab new wallpaper content. However, you should be aware that it only supports a limited number of websites you can download from.

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