Same Pitch Please

Allow your computer to analyze your pitch retention skills by listening to the notes played and reproducing them via actual singing or humming.

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Same Pitch Please Description

Considering that only a small percentage of the population can juggle multiple balls or do a free handstand for more than 30 seconds, it does not come as a surprise that less than 1% of people have absolute pitch. Then again, if you are genuinely interested in honing you pitch skills so that you can maintain it constantly whenever you want, then you need the right tool to practice.

Same Pitch Please is an application that provides you with the means and tools to practice the skill on several notes and lend you a hand with your efforts to develop the absolute pitch.

Comes with a rugged and sluggish interface

First off, you should know that while the installation might appear to be stuck, you should check whether you have the pop-up window for the OpenAL License Agreement in the background. As soon as you validate it, the installation should go smooth and fast.

The program comes with an outdated and unpolished interface that could take up to a few minutes to load, especially if your system meets solely the minimum requirements. In this case, the more RAM and the better processor, the faster the loading of the data. Upon first launch, you are required to enter a  username along with a password and you are ready for your first lesson.

It helps you practice to produce the same pitch all the time

You will be happy to learn that the application packs several types of lessons, so it is equally suitable for beginners and professional singers alike. The lessons are intuitive and easy to follow through, especially since it entails listening to the generated sound and then reproducing it as humming or singing.

It is necessary to mention that the utility provides you with tips and recommendations on how to improve the pitch skill. Moreover, it includes extensive documentation that explains the terms, so that there is no confusion. Lastly, the app enables you to keep track of your progress, an option that can help you determine the areas that require more attention from your part.

A tool that can help you improve your pitch

In case you have a good voice and ear for intervals, but lack the skills to bring your great ideas of performance and expression to life, then perhaps Same Pitch Please could help you hone your voice and sing the desired pitch whenever you want.

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