
Help children practice and improve their basic calculation abilities, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

  • Math4Child
  • Version :2.3
  • License :MIT License
  • OS :Windows All
  • Publisher :Ibbtek

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Math4Child Description

Math4Child is a simple and straightforward Java-based utility whose main function resides in helping kids or people with little knowledge of mathematics in becoming proficient in handling basic calculations.

Novice-friendly appearance

The program features a single-window interface, where all of its configuration parameters can be found and customized specifically for the children’s level of knowledge.

As such, you can just click on the symbols for the operation that you want the child to practice, or you can activate them all at once. Similarly, you can define the number range (0-5, 0-10, 0-20, 0-50, 0-100, 0-500).

Simple math exercises for your children

Depending on the level of knowledge and experience of the person it is meant for, Math4Child allows you to choose varying degrees of difficulty, both through the operations buttons and the number range. It even supports negative numbers.

The program’s method of functioning is, however, quite straightforward: it will display an addition, subtraction, division or multiplication, requiring you to input the result and hit enter to learn if it’s correct, otherwise providing the right answer.

However, Math4Child does not offer any means of assisting kids in calculating any of these operations, such as objects or animals. For more advanced learners, this may not be a problem, but for young students, a visual aid is quite useful.

A practical math practice tool

To sum it up, Math4Child is a lightweight and easy to handle piece of software which is intended to assist parents in developing children’s basic mathematical skills.

Despite being aimed at kids of all levels of knowledge, its lack of visual aids may make it less appealing to younger learners, who often need to be stimulated with colorful objects in order to participate.

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