HTML-Protector Decrypter

Easily unprotect HTML documents encoded with the HTML-Protector application by simply dropping the source file over the gadget window.

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HTML-Protector Decrypter Description

There is a great variety of desktop tools with which to quickly perform simple operations, and Windows gadgets are one way to put things. These enable quick processing of files such as encrypting HTML files, but there’s also the possibility to decrypt content with the help of gadgets like HTML-Protector Decrypter.

Note that the package deploys a lightweight gadget, which natively runs in Windows Vista and 7. It’s also possible to integrate it in Windows 10/8.1, but a suitable host application is required to bring back gadget support in these modern Windows iterations, with 8GadgetPack and Thoosje Sidebar being just a couple of programs one can use in this regard.

The core functionality of this gadget is, as the name clearly points out, to decrypt HTML pages encrypted with HTML-Protector. A minimum amount of effort is required, because the operation starts as soon as the source HTML file is dropped over the gadget.

It benefits from the default settings of a gadget, such as opacity level adjustment or making it sit on top of every other window. It also comes with its own settings. These make it possible to adjust the window size, delete added meta lines in head section, to remove added HTML-Protector ad, as well as to choose the decoding mode.

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