
A simple to use application that works as a wallet for cryptocurrency and allows you to earn digital money using the CPU power of your computer.

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Bytecent Description

Bytecent is an intuitive application dedicated to helping you mine digital currency by using the power of your computer’s CPU. The name defines both the application, as well as the bitcoin type you can harness with its help. The program resembles a financial dashboard, which allows you to check your currency balance and manage transactions.

Harnessing Bytecent

Bytecent features a wallet function which allows you to use the power of your system’s CPU in order to mine digital currency into your account. The program brings the Proof of Miner technology, which enables you to harness currency, at the same time offering proof of your activity and identity.

The Proof of Mining technology allows you to mine Bytecent and reduce the harnessing abuses. The method is based on human interaction with the program, meaning you are required to enter a readable captcha code every hour, in order to maintain the mining process going.

The mining process is based on computer activity, CPU performance and the period of time dedicated to it: for example 25 Bytecents are required in order to extend the mining time for one hour.

Control transactions and Bytecent income

Harnessing Bytecent requires that you enter a valid Bytecent address, then provide it in the Proof of Mining field, along with the human readable captcha. Once you have configured these settings, the mining process can start. The Bytecent application also allows you to send cryptocurrency to other addresses or receive BYC from other registered users.

A history log can list all the Bytecent transactions you made, by specifying the date, type of transfer, address and amount of currency. You may also keep a list of contacts, so you can keep track of your transaction partners.

Message signature and verification

Bytecent is a simple to use cryptocurrency mining program, which allows you to harness Bytecents, send or receive them from other miners and use them in online transactions. The application also allows you to use your address in order to sign the messages you send to vendors, in order to verify your identity.

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