
Access the files and folders you have stored on your local drives seamlessly using command lines with this lightweight application.

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vifm Description

vifm is a lightweight piece of software that enables you to organize and manage files and folders on your computer while having complete control over your keyboard and without the need to learn a new set of commands.

Console-like UI that addresses advanced users

The setup is simple and straightforward as it entails decompressing the archive. Upon launch, you are greeted by a double-panel interface that can be immediately appealing to anyone who used vi like keybindings before. It goes without saying that if you do not feel comfortable with Vim, it is going to take you some time before you learn the ropes and get used to this file manager.

It is necessary to mention that while the app opens with 2 panels by default, you can switch to the 1-pane view. Nevertheless, the utility is quite flexible and hence, you can use one panel as an active window where you manage your file and the second one as a quick file property viewer, for instance.

Allows you to perform all standard file management operations

In spite of its appearance and command learning curve, the utility is quite impressive in terms of editing capabilities. To put it simply, you can move, rename, add prefixes and suffixes, paste and delete all sorts of files and directories by just typing in a command.

The drawback of the app stems from the fact that it uses the classic vi hotkeys, so it might be unappealing for anyone who is not familiar with this type of editing. On the other hand, you should know that the program supports configuration and hence, you can set up your own commands. Moreover, you can also define simple rules on the types of files and files that you want to open via the app.

A complex app designed for the vi nostalgic

Without denying its ability in file management, the program is not exactly user-friendly and it entails taking the time to set it up accurately. Then again, if you are comfortable with vi, then vifm might be the tool you need to manage the files and folders on your computer.

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