Swift Select Tag Generator

Create your custom HTML tag to add to your website or use the predefined lists available for simpler tasks using this straightforward app.

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Swift Select Tag Generator Description

Not only is HTML supported by all browsers and development tools, but it is also user-friendly and sometimes it is everything you need to design the structure of your website. One of the reasons why these files blend so well in most environment are the hidden keywords used to define how elements should look like otherwise known as the tags.

Swift Select Tag Generator is a small program that enables you to effortlessly generate HTML tags with predefined lists or custom ones, depending on the content of your website, for your select section.

Minimalistic and old-fashion UI

Upon launch, you come face to face with a plain interface that can give you the impression that it is incomplete. In the upper section, you can select the type of code you want to generate, namely the premade lists of common elements or you can create a custom listing.

In the lower region of the main window, you can preview the HTML code and make any modifications necessary. Moreover, you can copy the tags to clipboard or you can delete the code generated, once you are done with it.

Comes with preset HTML tags

If you are not looking for something too complicated, then you can choose one of the standard select section lists embedded with the app. The default listing available with the program includes colors, countries, time zones, languages, days of the week, months, year, US states and Canadian provinces, to name a few.

Then again, the custom listing can come in handy when you want to create a select section that is appropriate for the pages’ content or that meets the expectations of your visitors. It is necessary to mention that you can generate an HTML tag that encompasses your own individual models along with the standard lists. s

A basic tool for generating a simple HTML file

In the eventuality that you need to refresh your select section on your website, but you do not have a lot of time at your disposal, then perhaps Swift Select Tag Generator might give you a hand.

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