Spearian for Excel

Check financial quotes with this application that allows you to obtain and compare data from multiple providers, including Google and Yahoo!.

  • Spearian for Excel
  • Version :2.35.5643.9569
  • License :Demo
  • OS :Windows All
  • Publisher :Jiri Pik

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Spearian for Excel Description

Stocks trading has become a popular activity and many users are drawn towards various markets that promise profitable investment opportunities. This surge in activity has had a corollary in an increase in the number of financial programs dealing with quotes analysis or stocks management.

Obtain market information on various commodities and currency exchange rates

Spearian for Excel is just one such comprehensive solution for users trading stocks. The Excel add-in requires the Microsoft Office suite and will help one obtain both the latest, but also historical information on selected stocks. Informational asymmetry, one of the major problems encountered when trading options is mitigated by the multiple data sources supported by the program.

One should note, however, that the providers adjust to users’ needs. For example, if gold or silver commodity prices are required, then valid sources are Quandl and Open Exchange Rates. On the other hand, for historical exchange rates the plug-in receives feedback from Smartscuit.net. All in all, there are numerous providers that cover a wide array of financial interests and should ensure users make knowledgeable financial decisions.

Integrates with R and provides advanced analysis tools

One of the great features of this plug-in is the possibility for advanced statistical analyses. This is facilitated by the R component, and users who desire this functionality must install this package. With it, one can perform advanced statistical analyses for improved financial results at the end of the trading day.

Another notable feature is related to the add-in’s ability to automatically generate informative charts based on the data received from providers. When short on time, this can be a great method of making on the spot decisions!

The plug-in allows users to receive updated stocks information and apply advanced statistical tools on the quotes

To conclude, Spearian for Excel is a great tool for Microsoft Office owners who like to trade stocks and keep up-to-date with the market trends.

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