Social Webcam

Quickly and easily capture photos from your webcam and add a wide array of special effects to enhance them with this user-friendly application.

  • Social Webcam
  • Version :15.0.0
  • License :Freeware
  • OS :Windows All
  • Publisher :Steelsoft

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Social Webcam Description

Taking pictures with a webcam is something many people have done, Social Webcam makes it easy and also offers a huge selection of special effects and editing options. The additional ability to automatically upload the images to social media, with the chance to earn money for users with popular images adds more appeal.

Easily apply multiple special effects to your webcam photos

With over 30 different special effects to choose from, the application has a lot of editing options. Users can invert the colors, create negative images, apply flames or a transparent snowy overlay. Each of the effects can be applied with a single click and requires no special knowledge or experience with image editing software, but the effects still give a good impression.

Users can also easily insert images or text to the pictures they have taken, meaning annotation is possible along with the other special effects present. The images and text are not subject to the effects though, so the application does not double as an image editor. It can still be used as a way to add a banner or title or something similar to any of your customized webcam photos though.

Earn money with the application based on your image views

One of the main features of Social Webcam is that it boasts its own social media platform to upload your images. Any image that gains over 1000 views, earns the uploader $2, plus $2 for every additional 1000 views. It does require that users share the links from the application’s specific website, but they can still put those links on other popular social media sites.

While this doesn’t improve the performance of the application in any way, it is clearly meant as an incentive to use the application over its competition.

The downside of this is that it doesn’t offer a conventional save image option, images must be uploaded to their website first and, for those not interested, it means additional work to get those images saved to their own computer.

A fun application with a built in way to earn money

The Social Webcam is a good way to capture images from a webcam, but the wide array of special effects is what make it stand apart from others. They are easy to use and easy to apply, as well as good fun. The ability to make money from images you take won’t appeal to every user, but it does add an extra layer to an already robust application.

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