Responsive Calculator

A lightweight, yet powerful application that helps you find out the exact percentage, em and rem of a number from another one with ease.

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Responsive Calculator Description

Creating a responsive website is no easy task. In order to give it a great look, it needs correctly re-sized images. Since the images will resize for every screen that they will be accessed from, specific pixel coding is not recommended.

Responsive Calculator is a fast application that helps you determine the exact percentage of a value, whether it is the proportion of a image or component within a website, or the size of a drawing comparing to it’s overall frame.

Diverse percentage value calculator

The application helps you find out the percentages of certain values. You can calculate the em and rem percentages. Em and rem are relative units of measurement used for print designs, since em represents the size on an uppercase “M” in any interface, thus making the size relative to the font.

Furthermore, rem is an upgraded version of em, whit a slightly different function. While em represents the size of a file type compared to its containing element, rem refers to the percentage compared to the top-level layer containing element.

This feature is highly useful for website creating, since you can easily find out how much you need to resize an image or table in order to fit it to a screen or page view. you do not have to approximate the exact value, you just use the application in order to find it fast.

A powerful and reliable unit converter

Responsive Calculator helps you easily calculate percentages for certain values. You can use it to find out the em and rem values for various sizes. The application comes in handy mostly for website developers, since they need to find fast the percentage of an element comparing to its container.

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