PhysPro Fluid Properties

Obtain physical properties of various fluids in standard and custom settings with this application that allows you to adjust the temperature and pressure.

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PhysPro Fluid Properties Description

Digital tools have had a marked effect on scientific research in multiple branches of human knowledge. Given their inherent complexity, Chemistry and Physics have benefited greatly from the increase in dedicated programs, from small-scale data recorders to full-fledged simulators and analyzers.

Select from more than 400 liquids

In between these two extremes, one finds most scientific applications, such as PhysPro Fluid Properties. The program allows users to determine the physical properties of certain fluids and refrigerants, at standard or custom pressure and temperature values.

The program comes with two built-in databases that can be queried and compared for improved results. Over 400 fluids are stored in these libraries, including most common liquids, such as benzene, ethylene and water. Users are free to employ whichever database provides best results.

View density, viscosity as well as boiling point data

Once a fluid has been selected, the program will display multiple datasets, which include information on the molecular weight, critical temperature, as well as specific enthalpy and entropy values. These reports can be exported to XML documents and printing them is also possible.

With PhysPro Fluid Properties, users can also determine mixtures properties. After a property package has been defined, one can calculate fluid mixture and constant properties using multiple fluids from the built-in databases. Another notable feature is the ability to generate saturation tables for fluids. Users can customize the analysis, by defining the number of points, the temperature as well as the increment value.

The program determines the physical properties of fluids in either standard or customized conditions

Summing up, PhysPro Fluid Properties is a good aid for physicists, chemists and other professionals working with various fluids.

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