
Keep track of your NecroBot’s activity in real time with the help of this specialized and highly efficient piece of software that offers accurate visual feedback.

  • NecrobotVisualizer
  • Version :1.1.0
  • License :MIT License
  • OS :Windows All
  • Publisher :Nicolas Schmitt

NecrobotVisualizer for Windows 32 bit Download Now

NecrobotVisualizer for Windows 64 bit Download Now

NecrobotVisualizer Description

NecrobotVisualizer is a piece of software designed from the ground to offer Pokémon players that use NecroBots to quickly level up their trainers and creatures a visual feedback regarding the bots whereabouts and actions.

Install NecroBot and get accurate visual feedback with the help of this app

Before anything else, we would like to remind you once again that using NecroBot and this specialized visualizer, by default, is against the Pokémon GO’s terms of service.

In order to get started with this visualizer, you must first make sure that NecroBot is up and running on your computer. NecrobotVisualizer can be launched with the minimum amount of effort on your behalf thanks to its streamlined installer.

Should connect automatically but it can also be easily configured, if need be

In theory, upon first launching the visualizer, it should automatically connect with the running NecroBot.

In this does not happen, it usually means one or possibly two of the following things: the port from the bot’s JSON configuration file is not the same as the one displayed by the visualizer or that the “UseWebsocket” value from the same file is not set to “true,”.

Therefore, within NecrobotVisualizer’s unobtrusive and compact toolbar from the lower right part of the main window, access the Settings section and make sure that the Bot Websocket address is correct. It should be “wss://localhost:14251” or “wss://”.

Simplistic and clear-cut graphical user interface

Once connected, the visualizer should load the all the map’s elements and you should be able to entertain yourself by following what your bot is doing and what are its whereabouts at all time.

From the same compact toolbar mentioned before, you can also view all your current Pokémon, all your ‘Eggs’ and their hatching progress as well as a list of all your objects from your inventory.

Useful and efficient visualizer for NecroBot

If you not one of those law-abiding Pokémon Go players and you are really keen on knowing everything your bot does and the amount of progress scored with its help, then NecrobotVisualizer is a very efficient tool towards achieving that end.

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