
Design interactive and engaging scenes for your comic strips or presentations with your own graphic elements using this comprehensive application.

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MotionArtist Description

Generally speaking, irrespective how important the data you are presenting, your audience is bound to get bored if you do not know how to draw their attention. Without denying that there are numerous methods you can use to keep the public engaged, humor is by far one of the best elements to win them over.

MotionArtist is a comprehensive application that enables you to create interactive comic strips and animated scenes that you can employ in a wide variety of projects.

Comes with numerous panel creating tools

The highlight of the application stems from the copious objects and scenes you can create from scratch and neatly arrange them in the panel. You should know that you have numerous tools at your disposal to create the panes you want by resizing, rotating, duplicating, aligning or cutting them.

Since the app revolves around the idea of comics, it goes without saying that it includes several word balloons presets that you can shape and style according to the message you want to convey. Moreover, you can add sounds, titling and animation to the entire scene more engaging.

Includes a timeline where you can quickly find all elements

In case you feel that your project is missing something during rendering, but you simply cannot put your finger on, then you can easily do so by checking the timeline. While initially you can view the camera and the default panel there, you should know that this is the location where you can check all the details about the elements you added.

A noteworthy feature is that the timeline can display the layers added vertically, a feature that is done automatically when you include too many elements in a scene. Alternatively, the timeline can be minimized, so that it does not distract you from your work.

An excellent tool that can help you convey your message

In the eventuality that you are looking for an efficient solution to make your presentations more lively or you want to explore your comedian skills, then MotionArtist might be the utility to try out.

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