
A software solution designed for TV enthusiasts who want to find their favorite programs by downloading online listings of various TV channels.

  • FreeGuide
  • Version :0.11.1
  • License :GPL
  • OS :Windows All
  • Publisher :Andy Balaam

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FreeGuide Description

FreeGuide is a guide downloader that enables users to view the listings for various TV channels. Users can create personal favorites and be reminded when their programs start.

Create a custom TV guide with your favorite programs

The application is easy to install and it does not have any special hardware requirements. Users must install Java Runtime Environment in order for this application to work properly. An Internet connection is also necessary for the application to generate any lists.

FreeGuide provides a clean interface and allows users to view TV listings in a grid or a list. Users add their favorite programs and have them displayed directly in the main window.

FreeGuide displays only the channels that interest you

Users are able to create custom lists to keep track of their favorite programs. Unfortunately, the application cannot handle multiple lists at the same time. Users must save a list before opening another one.

FreeGuide can work from multiple countries. However, the timezone differences create a couple of errors and users might not receive data on the first try. The application provides a thorough help guide that explains most of the glitches.

Search for programs from various countries around the world

The application is free to use, however, the listings it accesses might not be. Users have to pay attention to which listings they are accessing in order to create a valid guide. Another fact worth mentioning is that users cannot watch a TV program, they’re only able to view a detailed textual description of it and the screening time. Furthermore, the application does not download any icons or images that might differentiate channels or programs.

In summary, FreeGuide is a useful tool for TV enthusiasts to keep track of their favorite programs. Sadly, it does not allow users to watch the programs and the occasional errors might discourage beginners.

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