Dart SDK

Free set of tools, libraries, scripts and binaries for the Dart programming language, useful for creating, compiling, running and managing web, server and mobile apps.

Dart SDK for Windows 32 bit Download Now(V1.10.0)

Dart SDK for Windows 64 bit Download Now(V1.10.0)

Dart SDK for Windows 32 bit Download Now(V1.10.0-dev.1.10)

Dart SDK for Windows 64 bit Download Now(V1.10.0-dev.1.10)

Dart SDK Description

Dart SDK represents a free and set of software development tools, scripts, binaries and libraries required for creating, compiling, running and managing projects in the Dart programming language.

The downloaded package includes the Dart virtual machine (dart), compiler for Dart to JavaScript (dart2js), Dart static analyzer (dartanalyzer), Dart documentation generator (docgen), the Dart package manager called Pub, Dart code formatter (dartfmt). All of these, together with snapshots, resources and templates exist in the ‘bin’ folder.

The ‘include’ directory has the APIs, while ‘lib’ has the libraries bundled with the Dart runtime environment. Additional packages can be downloaded. For example, you can implement support for asynchronous programming, JavaScript inter-operation, or mathematical constants and functions. You can also view tutorials, the programmer’s guide, samples, and a tour of Dart libraries.

Dart SDK is included in Dart Editor, the open-source Dart editor based on Eclipse, but it was retired by Google in favor of JetBrain IDEs, such as IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, PhpStorm, or WebStorm.

Dart is an open-source programming language designed by Google, which can be used for developing web, server and mobile applications. It’s object-oriented and single-inheritance, based on classes, and uses C-style syntax.

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