
Generate a mathematical model that best fits an existing data set by finding the right coefficients, with this specialized software utility.

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CurveFitter Description

CurveFitter is a useful piece of software that enables you to create an ideal model for complex sets of data. The application is designed to find the particular parameters that make a certain function match the provided data as closely as possible.

It can come in handy for scientists, researchers and engineers, and it offers extensive documentation. However, the outdated user interface is rather disappointing.

Lightweight tool that can be set up in seconds

The installation procedure should be very straightforward even for inexperienced users, and the application does not rely on any other software components to function correctly.

CurveFitter features a minimalistic design, and users who prefer to keep their computers running smoothly should appreciate the fact that the application has a minimal resource impact and takes up very little disk space.

Specialized utility that offers a decent set of features

The application allows you to work with equations containing up to nine parameters and eight variables. Also, it supports linear equations in addition to nonlinear exponential, logarithmic and power equations.

It relies on a 38-digit math emulator designed for fitting high order polynomial and rational coefficients, and it can cope with both outliers and wide dynamic Y data ranges.

The program enables you to insert variables, parameters, results, formulas or models from TXT files, and you can also export this data easily.

Furthermore, CurveFitter is capable of generating a chart that provides you with a graphical representation of the input and output data, as well as residuals. This chart can be saved locally to the BMP, WMF or EMF file formats.

Comes with extensive documentation but features an unimpressive UI

The included user manual is more that adequate, as it provides detailed explanations that should prove to be helpful for both novices and experienced users.

As far as looks are concerned, however, the application is not quite as impressive. The user interface has not been improved for some time, and it noticeably out-of-date.

All in all, CurveFitter is a straightforward, reliable utility that can help specialists perform curve fitting operations with very little effort. It is easy enough to use and offers adequate documentation, but it would benefit from a modernized UI.

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