CodonCode Aligner

Perform DNA sequencing analyses with this comprehensive application that allows you to export samples and protein translations to FASTA documents.

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CodonCode Aligner Description

Genetics research is a highly complex domain that has greatly benefited from the increase in digital tools. From simple visualization utilities to complex simulators and analyzers, multiple programs have been created to address various issues in this field.

Analyze DNA sequences

Targeting DNA code analyses, mutation detection and sequence assembly, CodonCode Aligner presents itself as a valuable biologist’s aid. It can also be employed as a very useful teacher’s assistant, as it allows one to view detailed, and informative base traces graphs.

The application can receive samples from various sources, including ABI documents or Chromatogram files; assembly projects can also be loaded and one can even extract data from a valid Genbank ID. Once loaded, users can perform a wide variety of actions upon source samples.

Assemble sequences with cDNA to genomic algorithms

For example, one can assemble sequences using multiple algorithms or remove base ambiguities using automated editing tools. Professional users will also appreciate the program’s ability to show the protein translation for every sequence, as well as the mutation detection and analysis feature.

The latter option displays informative charts based on sensitive SNP detection. This is based on heterozygous insertions or deletions analysis algorithms that target both secondary and primary peaks. Once satisfied with their projects, users can export their samples to FASTA files. Other options are available, including transferring assemblies, or consensus sequences, as well as protein translations and features.

The application allows users to perform DNA sequencing analysis, complete with mutations detection

All things considered, CodonCode Aligner is a valuable tool for anyone involved in DNA sequencing and analysis. From simple sequence editing or trimming to complex mapping and phylogenetic tree operations, the program can be a highly useful research tool.

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