
Find all anagrams that can be created using a certain number of letters from a provided word, with this simple and easy-to-use application.

  • Anagram
  • Version :2016.4
  • License :Freeware
  • OS :Windows All
  • Publisher :Fahmy Corporation

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Anagram Description

Anagram is a lightweight application that, as its name suggests, enables you to find anagrams for various words. It includes an extensive dictionary and can use any number of letters from the provided text.

Moreover, the program displays useful information about your computer in the status bar, such as memory and CPU usage, as well as system uptime.

However, it does not offer any export features, and you cannot even copy the generated anagrams to the clipboard.

Straightforward anagram finder

The utility is designed to be intuitive and simple to deploy. It is fully portable, which means it can be executed without being installed beforehand, even from USB drives or other such storage devices.

The application is not at all difficult to use, as you only need to provide one or more words and click the Search button.

However, you can also specify the maximum and minimum length of the generated words, so as to minimize the number of results.

Does not allow you to export the created anagrams

While the program includes a comprehensive English dictionary and can find anagrams very quickly, there is no way to extract the words from the results list.

They cannot be exported to a new document, and it is not even possible to copy individual words to the clipboard and paste them into other applications.

Simple utility that provides useful system info

Anagram displays your computer’s uptime, CPU and memory usage in the status bar, and this data may come in handy at times. However, the processor utilization indicator remained locked at 100% throughout our tests.

On the whole, Anagram is a straightforward application that does the job it was designed for, but it would benefit from some improvements.

The biggest drawback is the fact that results cannot be exported to new documents or copied to the clipboard, but the system information displayed in the status bar also seems to be less than accurate.

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