Advanced Download Planner

Plan your downloads in advance by calculating how long it will take to save a certain file, with a handy utility that can also measure your connection speed.

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Advanced Download Planner Description

Even though many of us take it for granted, a lot of people around the world do not have access to broadband Internet, which leads to them having to think twice before downloading particularly large files.

Advanced Download Planner is a useful application that, true to its name, can help you plan your downloads by calculating completion times based on the file’s size and your transfer rate. Additionally, it includes a handy speed measurement tool that enables you to test your connection.

Straightforward utility that can calculate download times

The application’s primary function is fairly self-explanatory. In order to calculate how much time it will take to download a file, you only need to provide its size and your transfer rate. The results are saved and can be consulted again at a later date.

Of course, the result is only accurate if your transfer rate remains constant, which is not necessarily the case. If you rely on a 3G or 4G connection, the transfer rate is likely to be unstable, and network activity will also increase download times.

To help you out, Advanced Download Planner provides some brief explanations as to why it may take longer than you would expect to save a particular file.

Offers a helpful speed measurement tool

The program can help you learn your Internet transfer rate, so as to ensure the calculations are accurate. Moreover, it is also capable of measuring network activity.

When performing the speed test, you can specify how large the downloaded file should be. This is especially important if you have a broadband connection, as the result if more likely to be accurate if one of the larger files is used.

Lightweight utility that does not require installation

You may be pleased to learn that Advanced Download Planner can be launched as soon as the downloaded archive is unpacked, as it is not necessary to go through a time-consuming setup process.

On the whole, this is a simple and user-friendly application that can help you plan your downloads more carefully and ensure you make the most of your bandwidth.

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