Advantage VBM

Manage your electronic documents with ease, no matter if you are at home or at work where you need to share them with your colleagues.

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Advantage VBM Description

If you run a company or are a project leader and need a quick, efficient solution for managing documents or other types of data, one of the best courses of action is to turn to third-party applications.

Advantage VBM is a specialized program that can help you accomplish the tasks described above by providing you with a broad range of relevant functions.

Comprehensive interface

This application comes with a generous layout that encompasses a wide variety of functions, which are organized neatly throughout its interface, making them easy to access.

Given that most of its features might feel somewhat technical to novices, an extensive help manual is also provided, to help users that might find it difficult to understand or operate them effortlessly. Furthermore, the application displays helpful tips on the screen.

Organize documents effectively

You can turn to Advantage VBM if you need an efficient way to organize your documents. Before you access the program you need to create a new vault on your computer and select it so that the app can use it to store documents. The main window of this app consists of several panes, which enable you to select the desired category, view a list of documents and received messages.

Among the categories, you can find important documents as well as entertainment, finances, home, car and computer-related ones. You can open documents, view additional details about them, add them to your Favorites list or send them to packages.

Additional modules

More so, you can use this program to manage accounts and contacts. Doing so can be accomplished by simply choosing the corresponding option from the Modules menu. You can modify account names, email addresses and groups from the Accounts Manager module and edit personal details such as name, telephone number, email and home address from the Contacts Manager one.

Handy document and miscellaneous data manager

All things considered, Advantage VBM is a reliable application that can help you organize documents on your computer as well as other data such as contacts and email messages. It comes with a comprehensive user interface, packs an extensive collection of functions and features a detailed help manual to help you understand and operate its controls with ease.

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